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2023 Governor's Hometown Award Finalist – Plainfield Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)

Plainfield Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) was nominated for The Governor's Hometown Award by Commander Zach Zigterman in the project category of "Disaster Services/Public Safety." They were chosen as one (1) of four (4) finalists to compete for Governor's Cup and received honorable mention for their project described below:

Plainfield Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) is made up of 25 volunteers who train for and support the Plainfield Community in matters of disasters and public safety. In 2022 alone, PEMA members responded to 31 emergency callouts and volunteered 3,479 hours to the Plainfield community.

PEMA improves the quality of life and emergency services of the Village in countless ways. PEMA weather spotters position themselves throughout the village prior to severe weather and coordinate any post event cleanup. Plainfield is a storm ready community through the National Weather Service thanks to PEMA. PEMA is called out by the police or fire department and provides scene lighting or traffic control for extended scenes, freeing up first responders to respond to other calls for service. During special events, PEMA volunteers staff traffic control points, allowing police officers to be among the crowd for enhanced public safety.

To learn more, please visit: https://www.plainfieldil.gov/


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