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Joliet Junior College to hold fall classes online

USF plans for fall re-opening

On the day that Joliet Junior College would have held its spring commencement, president Dr. Judy Mitchell instead announced Friday at a press conference held with the city of Joliet in the council chambers that the Fall semester will be conducted online with limited face-to-face student interaction.

Mitchell announced that all fall lecture courses will be delivered online. Courses with a combination of lecture and lab will have lecture online and lab face-to-face – contingent on the state's 'Restore Illinois' plan moving into Phase 4.

"Until the standard is met, online lab simulations will be used in lieu of a face-to-face lab," Mitchell said. "Details will be developed by departments, deans and academic affairs divisions and will be shared accordingly throughout the summer semester."

Lab-only courses will also be contingent on the plan laid out last week by Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

University of St. Francis president Dr. Arvid C. Johnson also was in attendance and said the fate of the fall semester at USF is still unknown.

"We have been deep cleaning and sanitizing all of our on-campus spaces while plan re-open our campus for face-to-face instruction this fall," He said. "That said, our ultimate fall operating plan and format will be in consultation with local and health officials from the state and local government. Our small class sizes of traditionally less than 15 students makes it easier for us to social distance than other schools."

Leaders from local high school and grade school districts were also on hand at the press conference and cited good response to e-learning and meal distribution during the pandemic.

Both districts stated that a plan for what learning will look like in August is too early to tell because of the vast unknown.


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