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Downers Grove South High School madrigal singers invited to perform at 2020 IMEC All-State Conference

At Downers Grove South High School, 23 students were selected to participate in the 2020 Illinois Music Education Association All-State Convention (IMEC) in January in Peoria. The students are members of the 2019-20 Madrigal Singers ensemble.

Upcoming South High Madrigal performances:

The Madrigal Singers will perform an All-State preview concert on Monday, January 20, 2020 at Hinsdale United Methodist Church at 7 p.m. The performance is free and the public is cordially invited to attend this local showcase.

The Madrigal Singers will perform for the 2020 IMEC All-State Conference on Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 4:15 p.m. at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Peoria.

"This is a tremendous honor for District 99 and for South High School," said Fine Arts Department Chairman Glenn Williams. "It's a credit to our student musicians that the South High Madrigal Singers have been selected to perform at the 2020 IMEC All-State Conference, and appearing at a State or National convention is widely considered the pinnacle of performance excellence for a high school ensemble."

Previous convention appearances for the DGS Madrigal Singers include IMEC in 2011 and 2016 and at the Illinois Fall ACDA Convention (2014) and the ACDA Central Division Conference (2016).

In addition to the current members of the ensemble, student musicians from recent years contributed to the process by being a part of the submitted audition recordings. The Madrigal Singers are directed by Joy Belt-Roselieb. Dr. Ricardo Pedroza is the collaborative pianist for the ensemble.

For more information about this performance or about choirs at South High School, contact Glenn Williams, Fine Arts Department Chairman at [email protected].


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