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Batinick Files legislation to deny ComEd subsidies

Representative Batinick was opposed to the initial legislation, SB2814, which required a statewide rate hike to prevent the closure of two nuclear power plants in Illinois

State Representative Mark Batinick (R-Plainfield) filed legislation today to revoke aspects of the comprehensive state energy bill passed in 2016 during the 99th General Assembly.

Representative Batinick was opposed to the initial legislation, SB2814, which required a statewide rate hike to prevent the closure of two nuclear power plants in Illinois. The rate increase provided for in SB2814 was expected to generate more than $200 million a year over the next ten years, but the legislation has come into question amidst the continuing federal probe into ComEd and its lobbying practices.

“The ComEd bailout bill is part of the FBI investigation and this is really a problem,” said Rep. Batinick. “Reviewing these subsidies with new legislation is the best path forward, to right this wrong.”

Representative Batinick led the charge against the legislation, and the need for a rate hike to accommodate this bailout of ComEd, the largest electric utility in Illinois.

“Like I stated in 2016 when the original bill was presented, anyone that uses electricity will be paying more. That leaves less money to run a school, a drug-rehabilitation facility, or a homeless center.”

The intent of the Rep. Batinick’s legislation, HB3987, would be to eliminate the bailout, but still include the green energy subsidies accounted for in the original legislation. Ratepayer-generated funding to support renewable energy in the state will continue to fund new wind and solar energy initiatives.

State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) is the chief-co sponsor of this initiative. “As an active proponent of clean energy legislation, I was disappointed to see a bailout for a profitable corporation linked to otherwise good policy. With recent revelations about the ongoing investigations, I hope that more of our colleagues agree that this flawed law deserves another look.”

HB3987 is awaiting further consideration in the House of Representatives.


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