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Police Officer wins Officer of the Year award

David Henzler said he uses past experiences and his love for his country, community to protect and serve it the best way he knows how

Generally, the motto of "to protect and to serve" is practiced throughout police officers worldwide.

For some, the motto resonates more than with others.

Recently, Officer David Henzler of the Bolingbrook Police Department was named the 2019 Edward Hospital Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.

Because of his efforts going above and beyond normal expectations, Henzler was honored in a ceremony at Edward Hospital on November 19.

The Officer of the Year Award is part of Edward-Elmhurst Health's Law Enforcement Recognition program, which supports the system's partners in law enforcement in Will County.

"Initially I was kind off shocked," Henzler said. "The fact that it was all of DuPage and Will County and not just my own police department, the magnitude was pretty amazing."

His sergeant, Jeff Drabek, nominated Henzler who is a 15-year veteran of the police department.

Currently, Henzler serves as a Field Training Officer, SWAT Assistant Team leader and SWAT Medic.

Henzler attributed his love for his job to the fact that he has always wanted to not just help and serve people, but be able to save those if they're losing their lives.

"The idea of serving people and doing good for the country and the community is something I've always loved," Henzler said. "As a SWAT Medic, I wanted to take the medical side of things into my hands while I was working, so it was nice to have that knowing I could really help people if they needed that kind off help."

Henzler has served 25 years in the military on top of his law enforcement, where he is an active member of the National Guard and recipient of two Bronze Stars during deployment in the Middle East.

If winning the Edward Hospital Law Enforcement Officer of the Year award isn't enough, Henzler also received department commendations for apprehending a person who was threatening to end their own life, help and assisted the Bolingbrook community during a severe weather storm event and also apprehended a burglar and vehicle arson suspect.

In October 2018, Henzler again received another prestigious award, a Life Saving Medal after he administered a Narcan dose to a 29-year-old male overdose victim.

"I love serving in Bolingbrook because it's a very diverse community," Henzler said. "It takes a very humble person to serve their community and to serve it honorably I believe and I want to put every bit of effort I can to protect and serve and set the example for the community."


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