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Bolingbrook HS Senior Wins Tollway Map Cover Design Contest

For the next year, everyone who picks up a copy of the Illinois Tollway Map will enjoy the artwork and graphic design skills of Bolingbrook HS senior Syrena Feustel.

Syrena’s design is the winning selection from over 100 designs submitted by high school students around the state. Here is the amazing part of the story. She’s about to finish her first semester in Mr. John Sullivan’s graphic design class. “At BHS we have a fine arts requirement for graduation,” Syrena said. “So I decided to take graphic design.”

In addition to the honor of having her artwork on the cover, Syrena also wins $600 in gift certificates, $400 of which is for art supplies. Watch the video to hear Syrena explain the creative process for her winning design.

A Thanksgiving Story of Kindness from Jane Addams Middle School

It is a tradition for 7th grade art classes at Jane Addams Middle School create a piece of art made of 1000 origami cranes for display in the school. Any extra cranes become a gift to a person in the community who might need a kind wish while recovering from a health issue.

Jane Addams Art Teacher Ms. Jennifer Weber has a close friend awaiting a liver transplant and Ms. Weber asked her students if they would like to donate this year’s creation to her friend, or, as is tradition, keep the creation for the school.

Leave it to the kids to find a third choice. Why not do two pieces of art consisting of 2000 cranes? Watch the video on vvsd.org to learn more about the Jane Addams 7th Grade Art Crane Project.

AVM Students Serve Just What Teachers Need in Café 103

The Cross Category students at A. Vito Martinez Middle School are filling coffee cups and providing a vital need to teachers seeking a little breakfast on Friday mornings. The students set up and operate (with the help of teachers Mrs. Jill Adkins, Ms. Amanda Evans, and Ms. Amy Spatz) Café 103 offering coffee, pastries and outstanding service.

As you might imagine, the café also doubles as a learning opportunity for students, as they are learning skills such as greeting customers, answering questions, handling money, working as a team, following directions, setting up, breaking down, and cleaning up.

Watch the video on vvsd.org to hear Mrs. Adkins explain more about Café 103 (103 is Mrs. Adkins room number!)

November is Physical Therapy Month

November is National Physical Therapy Month that seeks to raise awareness of the benefits of physical therapy. In VVSD, physical therapy is one of the many supports available to our students.

We visited with VVSD Physical Therapist Ms. Emily Schwyzter as she worked with Humphrey Middle School 7th grade student Samantha Yelenosky. Sammy continues to make amazing progress from an illness that caused a several month stay in the hospital while she was a student at Pioneer Elementary School.

Ms. Schwyzter started our conversation by telling us why she chose to become a physical therapist in the school setting. Watch the video on vvsd.org to learn more.

Irene King Student’s Entry Results in School Supply Donation from JB Hunt Trucking

Irene King 3rd grade student Nathan Willett accepts the first box to come off the J.B. Hunt truck as part of a $2000 donation of school supplies to Mrs. Deb Barrett’s classroom.

Irene King Elementary School 3rd grade student Nathan Willett invested a few taps on the keyboard on behalf of his class and the result is $2000 in classroom supplies from J.B. Hunt Transport.

J.B. Hunt has a program called Adopt-a-Class that accepts nominations for the donations through the company website. The key part of the nomination is when the person making the nomination must explain why the nominated classroom deserves the donation.

Nathan obviously did a great job on behalf of Mrs. Deb Barrett’s class, because a J.B. Hunt truck pulled up in front of Irene King to deliver the supplies. Watch the students gleefully accept and unload their delivery on vvsd.org.

Wood View 4th Graders Debut “Follow Your Dreams”

Wood View Elementary School 4th grade students led off the Wood View Fall Concert with a special debut performance of “Follow Your Dreams”. As part of music class, the students have been discussing hopes and dreams. The students are performing under the direction of Mrs. Kristin Sur, performing for the first time on Wood View’s new risers that are tailor made for a performance such as this! Watch the video on vvsd.org to learn more.

“Socktober” a Huge Success at Skoff Elementary School

Let’s have Skoff 5th grade student Tiara Castillo give you the details, as we cannot improve on her writing about Socktober:

Collecting socks at Skoff was a huge success! Throughout October, Students and staff at Skoff Elementary have collected 944 new pairs of socks! Our goal was 500 new pairs of socks and we passed that goal! We also made a new goal which was 800 new pairs of socks, and we passed that new goal as well! These new pairs of socks will be donated locally and to the Hesed House shelter for those people in need of different things such as socks. Just one small act of kindness, such as donating socks, can spread around everywhere!


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