What: Over 50,000 immigrants are being held in detention centers, while thousands more languish in unsafe conditions at the border. Manoj Govindaiah, director of Litigation at the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) in San Antonio Texas, and Megan Klein, Oakton associate professor of sociology and anthropology, will discuss the current plight of immigrants during their lecture "Fighting for the Soul of America: Migrant Lives at the Border." The discussion will offer insight into how U.S. policies affect migrants and immigrants. The event is sponsored by Oakton's Peace and Social Justice Studies and Students for Social Justice.
When: 11 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 6, Room 1625, Oakton Community College, 1600 E. Golf Road, Des Plaines.
Details: Govindaiah oversees all of RAICES' federal litigation and appeals work. A 2006 graduate of the University of Illinois College of Law who is admitted to the bars of Illinois, Florida and Texas, Govindaiah has spent his career working at non-profit legal services agencies in immigration, civil rights, juvenile justice and education. Last November, Klein spent a week at the South Texas Family Residential Center working with immigration lawyers as part of the Dilley Pro Bono Project that serves detained immigrant mothers and children.
Media: Photo/videographers, and other media representatives are invited to attend.
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