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Plainfield Park District hosts Haunted Pony rides

Amanda Bergman offers advice and support for fun Halloween gathering

The Plainfield Park District horses didn't want to be left out on Halloween this year.

A group of horses at Normantown Equestrian Center brought on many happy and smiling faces, while they waited to take kids on a ride for their life.

"I like to offer events that are more friendly beginner entry level," said Recreation Manager Amanda Bergman. "It helps get people introduced into riding and the programs that we have here."

Rides that lasted 10 minutes where a child had the opportunity to learn the dynamics of a horse were provided.

Each horse was dressed up in a different costume, including "Thing 1", a princess and a king.

"It's just kind of a funny themed event for everybody to enjoy when they come out," Bergman said.

A part of the Plainfield Park District who owns the barn where the event took place, Bergman has been teaching for 15 years and enjoys the educational experience kids gain from riding.

"I've always been a huge animal lover and I really got into horses when I was a really young age and never stopped," Bergman said. "I was taking my own lessons, showing them and went to college that had a program in the field."

Bergman said she enjoys teaching the horsemanship of riding, the importance of forming a connection with the horse while riding and seeing the progress people make after taking lessons.

"We take some kids to horse riding shows and we actually have some shows here too," Bregman said.

For someone who is interested in riding, Bregman had some practical advice that maybe not everyone wants to hear.

"Well it's very expensive," Bregman said jokingly. "If they wanted to get started, doing it at a young age and doing it at a event like this where there's not pressure I think is important."

With 33 people who showed up for the event, Bregman added that she thought it was a success and people seemed to enjoy their time on the horse.

"I thought the event went very smoothly," Bregman said. "Besides one little crier who was an unhappy camper, it went fast because there wasn't a long line so people weren't really backed up or waiting and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves.

"It was definitely more kid friendly and kind of an added bonus for the costumes and for families because it was for the kids which I think people really appreciated."


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