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Shorewood sewers will be smoking this week

Shorewood residents can breathe easy if they notice smoking sewers this week. Smoke testing is scheduled for the next few days throughout the village's sanitary sewer system. The smoke is used as an obvious visual indicator of leaks in the system.

According to a news release from the village, the smoke is non-toxic, harmless and creates no fire hazard. The smoke should not get into any homes or buildings unless there is defective plumbing or possibly drain traps that are "dry."

"If you have seldom-used drains, please pour water in the drain to fill the trap," Public Works Supervisor Chris Drew wrote in an e-mail.

Workers will be using manholes to get into the sewers for the tests and may need to access them through residential backyards.

The village noted any RJN Groups, Inc. personnel that come onto property will be wearing uniforms and carrying identification badges. Homeowners will not need to be home and the workers will not have any reason to enter a residence or businesses.

If smoke does come in to your residence, you can talk with the field crew on your street or call Drey at (815) 553-2321 or RJN Manager Joe Sullivan at (630) 346-2877.


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